Soon as you find one, you get a simple special project to crack its codes and bring it online. I'd also like to evolve this and look in to flagging stars as "in an arm" or "inbetween an arm" and using this to make moving between galactic arms faster, but slower within arms themselves. I've been able to "skew" hyperlane speed to be slower nearer the galactic core (where stars are denser) and faster near the galactic rim, though its slightly buggy with the scripts I use, as they dont quite take jump drives moving your dist from core in to account. I want to add slower Interstellar speeds to fleets in nebula space (even if its just a hyperlane passing through a gas cloud) - but I dont think this is currently doable.
-100% wind up times when a fleet arrives in a neutron star system (lifting the idea of neutron stars supercharging FTL drive cores from Elite Dangerous lol). 100% longer wind up times when a fleet arrives in a black hole system (so it takes 2x as long to leave). Not strictly relevant to making the galaxy vaster, but I have a few FTL drive "flavours" - one where the drives move faster between stars, but take longer to charge and vice versa, or offer increased "hyper-drift" time/speed on system ingress. Give FTL more wind up and wind down time (about 2 weeks worth). Unfortunately its not possible to re-implement the very old functionality of hyperdrives (where they could depart a system from anywhere, or from any edge, not just at the relevant exit triangle) though is working on scripted jump drives, so perhaps the set_location function can be (ab)used to do this. Add a new "hyper-drift" function via script (on_enter_system) that boosts Sublight speed by 100/200/300/400% for 7 days (so sublight becomes less of an issue). Tier 4 drives (jump drive/psi jump drive) - 80% vanilla speed.
The solution i've gone with in a personal mod amounts to slowing FTL, indirectly speeding up STL, and doing weird things with bypasses: This is what utterly kills the sense of scale IMO. So you never actually spend much time watching fleets move around the galaxy slowly. You'll find that like 80% of travel time is spent *in system* rather than between stars. But as you mentioned, it feels slower, as in system speed is a killer. If you slow down #1 (making hyperdrives slower) the galaxy feels bigger.
Wind down time (time ships are locked in place upon arrival in a system). Wind up time (time to charge ships to leave system). Interstellar speed (Hyperlane speed between stars). Click to expand.Ive found it boils down to two things: